Improving Mental Health

Hey guys, so today I thought I would just share some of my tips for improving my mental health and well being. I’m in no way shape of form a professional if you need help immediately I’ll leave some crisis numbers and services at the bottom.

So I think the first step is to notice you might not be doing so great, and it’s ok not to feel good 100% of the time. Though I know it’s not a good feeling so this is what I do to stop me from getting to that point or how to get out of that mindset.

Check in with yourself, like actually see how you are feeling do you need to take a break? Are you hungry, or thirsty? If so take a break grab something to eat or drink. Go outside get some fresh air (or open a window if you can’t leave). Ground yourself, focus on your breathing, hold your breath for a second before you exhale. Remove yourself from the situation, go to the bathroom and take some time away from whats causing you stress.

So those are just a few tips to do if you are every feeling low or very stressed. But below are things that I do daily to assist my mood overall. One of the main things for me is having a routine.

Waking up before 9 (I think this might just be a me thing but if I wake up after 8 I feel defeat and like I’ve lost the entire day to sleep even though I really haven’t). Doing some form of exercise in the morning and spending time in the sun. Giving myself time to be on my phone and spending time with my dog. Showering something about having a shower in the morning will really just set me up for a better day. The last thing I will do everyday to help improve my mental health is colouring and writing in a journal (mindfulness) these technique has been drilled into my head and would highly recommend!

Thank you all for reading and I hope this helped at least one person. I am really struggling trying to find what I should blog about I really love the idea of blogging but I feel like I’m doing it wrong 😦 but that’s ok hopefully I’ll figure it out soon so you all have some good content to read. But for now as promised I’m going to keep going until I find something that fits and works.


Crisis lines and other support networks

Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 –

Life Line – 13 11 14 –

Black dog institution –

Find the equivalent for your country –

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